Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Response: Gaga the Fame Monster: Monsters and Christianity in PC

This is a post in response to:

Lady Gaga's New Breed of Monsters

As discussed in class, the problematic most often used in popular culture is that monsters are beings that cant understand themselves as not being forgiven, so they one thing they desire most is redemption. I believe there is a new breed of monsters being born in popular culture today, thanks to Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga has become notorious for her outrageous outfits (see pictures below) and when asked about her fashion, she said that she is expressing herself in a way that she was unable to do in high school. She has also become widely known as an advocate for LGBT rights. With the release of her newest single Born This Way, Lady Gaga made a very positive and bold statement to her fans: that its okay to be who you are and we are all born this way. The music video for this song begins with the Manifesto of Mother Monster, the prologue, where Gaga talks about a new race, born without prejudices and concludes with the view of a city populated by this race.

Lady Gagas theme of monsters has been apparent since the release of her third EP in 2009, called The Fame Monster. She has also referred to herself as Mother Monster on several occasions and she affectionately refers to her fans as Little Monsters. These fans came to her Monster Ball Tour concerts often dressed in unique Lady Gaga-inspired outfits.

In class, it was mentioned that the word monsters derives from the Latin monstrum or moneo/monstrare and demonstrates, shows, or reveals something to us. What are Lady Gagas monsters showing us? I believe Gaga and her Little Monsters are showing us a reflection of the true selves we often wish we were courageous enough to be. Unlike vampires, werewolves, and other monsters prominent in popular culture, Lady Gagas new breed of monsters are not yearning for redemption. Instead, all they are yearning for is to be themselves. In my interpretation of Gagas affectionate view, monsters are more human than humans. Monsters are honest representations of ourselves and humans are drone-like beings filled with hatred. Being a monster is encouraged in this sense so that we can strive to and be comfortable with who we truly are.

We have been exposed to monsters that represent fear and falling from grace. We have also seen monsters that show us at our best. We are now being exposed to a new sense of monsters that show us our true selves.

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